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Home 9 Maker Stories 9 Haley McCoy

Haley McCoy

Hi! I’m Haley, and I’m from Williamson, WV. I graduated from EKU in Spring 2020 with my BBA in CIS, and now I am in the technology management grad program! Creativity and making have always been a big part of my life. I’ve always been interested in drawing, painting, and crafting of all kinds.

I’ve always loved making things, and my creative hobbies have followed me all my life. I’m a huge fan of working with most traditional art forms, and I’ve been practicing drawing digitally. I also love to find antiques to refurbish and use as decor and furniture for my apartment. More recently, I’ve taken up sewing and jewelry making.

I recently started playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I realized I love character creation, world building, and writing stories. It’s so fun to make journals for my characters and trying to make my own campaigns!

While I’m not sure if these qualify as “making”, I love using Tarot, palmistry, and streaming as creative outlets.

IT Geeks

521 Lancaster Avenue
Keen Johnson Basement
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-GEEK (4335)

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